Monthly Archives: January 2010

Lynn–better mood but not much exercise

I’ve emerged from my blahs of last week. Thank you all for your encouraging comments. We’ve had extremes of weather here, from warm and stormy at the beginning of the week to very cold but sunny this weekend (15 F, -9 C were the daytime highs yesterday). Tucked in the middle were some relatively mild days.

Since my last post:

Tuesday–never made it out for a walk but did spend morning doing housework

Wednesday–20 minute walk at noon

Thursday–10 minutes clearing some light fluffy snow from the driveway (swept it w/ a push broom), 20 minutes aerobic dance

Friday–v. cold and v. windy–take-your-breath-away weather–went to late afternoon concert and had to walk 8 or 9 blocks from parking spot to concert hall–that’s it for exercise.

Saturday–again v. cold but no wind–spent long day at gospel singing workshop (fun!). I read somewhere that singing burns calories and we did move around a fair amount while we sang 🙂

Cold again today–but I will try to get out for a walk.


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Lia – Bombastic really fantastic

Sorry, that was my son’s favourite song long long ago. It does do well to sum up the last ten days. Drum roll…

Sunday: 1 hour of walking through a snow storm.

Monday: 1 hour and 40 minutes walking

Tuesday: 1 hour and 40 minutes walking

Wednesday: 1 hour 20 minutes walking

Thursday: 1 hour 20 minutes walking

Friday: 1 hour 50 minutes walking

Saturday: 20 minutes walking

Sunday: 1 hour walking

Monday: 1 hour walking

Tuesday: 1 hour 20 minutes walking

Think this was my best step count ever. Not saying it will continue, but I am patting myself on the back for having faced the icy, cold conditions (-16 degrees C today).


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Lynn–winter blahs

Hello all–I’m still here. I was gone all day Sunday, my usual posting day and busy at work yesterday.

In general, I’ve been dealing with a case of the blahs–somewhat buried under lack of light, icy conditions, grey skies, depressing political situation here in US, fighting off some sort of virus.

But on the positive side–the sky is blue today, sun is shining, headache is gone, days are getting longer. I took the morning off work and plan to get out for a walk later.

Last week, I was low energy and headachey off and on all week–and very busy with after work events 2 nights and a day long workshop Sunday. I only managed 2 days of exercise–aerobic dance one day for about 1/2 hour and then another day when I went for a short walk and then did some stretching and strength training work.

Realistically, this will also be a low exercise week as my busy schedule continues but things will slow down a bit next week.


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Naomi – saying goodbye & many thanks

ElderExcercise has been a wonderful experience in a couple of ways.  Personally, I’ve had the unusual opportunity to have and idea somewhat outside-the-box that worked.  Of course, that was only possible because Claude thought it was doable–and did the heavy lifting to make it so.

On the physical side, it has been a great gift to have the support of all the participants who encouraged me to hang in with my efforts.  I know that this is the reason that I can now approach something I’d never have thought possible:  water aerobics!  Three times a week in my retirement community an “active aerobic” class meets.  After working up from gentle aerobics to two times a week, I begin a three-time schedule this week.

Just now I’ve ordered two new swim suits online from Eddie Bauer.  Was told that I was just in time since there were shown on the Oprah show and will be sold out soon.  Well, yours truly does not get air-brushed, so my look will only be moderately glamorous.  Though I have two suits from the past (barely used), this purchase came about because I wanted suits minus skirts–something more serious.

I’m even thinking of really learning how to swim after all those years at summer camp in the beginners’ groups.

Though we are still too carbound here in Portland, Oregon, another woman and joins me for a weekly walk.  Even with the light rain that’s a part of winter here, we pace around a running track used by the nearby college.  And we have plans for the better weather.

Moving here has proved to be an excellent decision.  In addition to being very busy with our young family, we chose a place filled with lively people who have a similar attitude toward aging and a great interest in the world around us.  That helps us stay balanced in these very difficult times.

So, thank you again.  I’ll continue to check out Claude’s remarkable photos and Sara’s blog.  If you want to know what life is like for a newcomer in the northwest in a CCRC (continuing care retirement community), visit my blog a little red hen one day.  And keep making those moves.  yours, naomi


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Sara – doing fairly well!

Hi, everyone, glad you are enjoying the Leslie Sansone routines!  I found a CD with 5 different 1- mile segments so that I can vary it a bit – none are too demanding, and I just love kickbacks!   🙂

However, work pace is increasing…so far, I am trying to do the Sansone earlier in the day & then the energy kick helps me resist overeating a bit better.  Looks like Sunday is definitely my “down” day, since that’s a day I do all the masses that I’ve already planned.

Sun. Jan. 17 – 3063 (0 aerobic)

Mon. Jan. 18 – 7374 (2056 aerobic)

Tues. Jan. 19 – 6557 (1044 aerobic)

Wed. Jan. 20 – 4138 (0 aerobic)

Thurs. Jan. 21 – 6163 (2536 aerobic)

Fri. Jan. 22 – 6354 (2983 aerobic)

Sat. Jan. 23 – 6593 (1936 aerobic)

Sun. Jan. 24 – 4851 (0 aerobic)

Soooo – 5 days of 2.5 miles or more, 3 days – less, but still something.  Looks like Leslie Sansone helps me be more consistent than anything else.  The CD I bought boosts the walking to small bursts of jogging & I have found that to be OK for me.  With that and the knee lifts, it is definitely more aerobically intense than what I was doing at the gym.  So I think I will drop the gym as soon as I can.

Our cold spell here has lifted somewhat but now we are having more rain.  Here is a photo of the wet street at dusk through my window shades…not too tempting!


OK, everybody, where are you?  Yoo hoo!  Let us hear from you even if you are being nommed by the sofa!

🙂   Sara


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Claude – a rather good week

Oh dear, as I start typing this, I feel really lonely. It’s the second post in a row. Are there still four of us or am I all alone? 😉

It’s been rather a good week for me in spite of lousy weather. It’s been so bleak around here that I went back to my India and Nepal photos to see some colour and sun!

Two elders with great posture

Maybe one day, I’ll be able to sit on the floor for more than two minutes, but it hasn’t happened yet. Sitting on the floor is one of the things I hate most!

Anyway, here’s my week from 18 – 24 January 2010

Monday: 15 mn stretching, 3-mile Leslie Sansone walking, 25mn aerobic, 7,375steps
Tuesday: One-hour stretching class, 8,420 steps
Wednesday: 15mn stretching, 3-mile Leslie Sansone, 7mn stepper, 8,048 steps, 25mn aerobic,
Thursday: gave myself a rest 😉 10mn stretching and no more. A lot at the computer and on the couch, though!
Friday: One-hour stretching class, 8,274 steps
Saturday: 15mn stretching, 15, 355 steps, 3-mile Leslie Sansone, 25mn aerobic. Did the LS in the morning and went to a restaurant with a friend. Then we walked and walked and walked. I was pooped when I got home!
Sunday: 15mn stretching, 6,861 steps, 2-miles walk Leslie Sansone, 20mn aerobic, 8mn stepper

The LS walking includes quite a few steps. When I mention aerobic, it includes the LS and the stepper.


Filed under Aerobic pace walking, Pedometer, stepper, Stretching, Walking

Claude – not bad in spite of bleak weather

It’s been one of those weeks when it rains almost all the time. Just had one rather good day. It probably explains why I spent my time in museums and exhibitions.
Here’s one photo I took on the only tolerable day last week

Near the larger pyramid at the Louvre

So here’s my week from Monday, January 11th to Sunday, January 17th, 2010

Monday: 15 mn stretching, 7,526 steps, 2 x 15mn aerobic walking
Tuesday: one-hour stretching class, 4,401 steps (not much apart the stretching class)
Wednesday: 15mn stretching, 2-mile Leslie Sansone, 18mn aerobic, 6mn stepper – managed 6mn instead of the usual 5! Great progress 😉
Thursday: 10,310 steps
Friday: One-hour stretching class, 9,909 steps
Saturday: 15mn stretching, 20mn aerobic: 2-mile walk Leslie Sansone + 6mn stepper, 9,676 steps
Sunday: 15mn stretching, Leslie Sansone 2-mile walk, 18mn aerobic, 9,736 steps

Another week with four aerobic sessions. I’m rather pleased with myself and might try Sansone’s 3-mile walk (not sure I can do it though — I’ll let you know!)


Filed under Aerobic pace walking, Pedometer, stepper, Stretching, Walking

Lynn–January thaw & busy week

This was one of those busy weeks where exercise gets squeezed in around the edges–3 nights w/ events planned after work and v. busy work days.

Sunday–slept late after getting to bed late (knitting like a madwoman), then errands and an early movie–no exercise

Monday-2 mile high energy Leslie Sansone walk–felt great after stressful work day

Tuesday & Wednesday–book group (T) and writing group (W) after work–no exercise

Thursday–20 min half hearted aerobic dance–heart not really in it

Friday–dinner and a movie right after work–no exercise

Saturday–warmer, snow melting, sunny and blue skies–went for 30 minute brisk walk around the neighborhood–such a treat!


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Sara – cutting loose from the furniture

Bonjour, tout le monde, it is getting a little warmer here (40 F./7 C.) and also I have begun a wonderful new routine thanks to Lynn and Claude.  Last week I must say it was a bit like this LOLcat…

But this week I have been using the mp3 that Claude sent me, of Leslie Sansone’s 15 minute walk at home routine.  Every day I have used it!  That’s unheard of.  I like the energy level and the way she varies it and also the simplicity.  So my step count is much better and I’m really happy about it.   Woo hoo!

Sat. Jan. 9 – 6753 (4051 aerobic).

Sun. Jan. 10 – 3077.

Mon. Jan. 11 – 5739 (2040 aerobic) thanks to the tape.

Tues. Jan. 12 – 6131 (2858 aerobic), ditto.

Wed. Jan. 13 – 6194 (2082 aerobic), ditto.

Thurs. Jan. 14 – 6363 (2040 aerobic), ditto.

Fri. Jan. 15 – 12436 (2022 aerobic) – I did the tape AND went contradancing.  Danced all but one dance.  I don’t think I would have been in shape for this had I not used the tape the other days…

Sat. Jan. 16 – 7341 (3972 aerobic) – tape and a walk – since it was finally 40 F.  And the snow is melting somewhat!

I may try the Zumba Gold thing next Tuesday and see how it goes.  Am meditating stopping my gym payments and switching to a combination of videos, dance, and outdoor walking.  Also I discovered this week that if I have done the tape, I can add in 10 minutes or so of trampoline jumping and it’s enough steps to put me over 6000.  But not so many as to bore me silly!

So things are looking up!  Thanks for your encouragement, support AND ideas which have helped me get a fresh start!

Love, Sara


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Lia- Off the sofa and onto the ice

These last weeks have been very strange ones indeed. I have been wrestling bad weather (terrible ice conditions), a boat of lethargy,  the pull of our sofa and a large pile of books…. I wish I could report a firm resolve to change my ways, but actually, I am more inclined to tread carefully and start slowly back into a regular routine. I definitely needed the time to recharge my inner batteries. The last months of work, trying to finish my research project in good form, were far too draining. Now, after nearly three weeks of relaxing, I feel so much better. Yet, it was not all sofa surfing. There were five days when the weather made it possible to take long walks: each 45-60 minutes long. And there were another 6 days where I managed 15-20 minutes of walking. I’ve taken Claude’s suggestion of crouching down and try to do this 2-3 times a day for a minute or two.


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