Monthly Archives: March 2011

This is goodbye, I guess

When Lynn, who has been faithful to the end asked where we all were, I should have replied sooner, but I was busy with my darn knee.
What happened on this blog is that slowly but surely, everyone lost interest. I for one, found another place, which had more resources than we had here, thanks to Sara, who introduced me to it.
I started on SparkPeople in June, and for a while, kept reporting about my exercise at both places. After a while, I also felt like it was not my “job” to nudge members into posting and when the only commenter is a former member 😉 maybe we should close down. If you all agree, this is what I am going to do and say goodbye.
Sara, Lynn and myself have moved to SparkPeople on a private (at the moment) team called… ElderExercise. If you wish to join us there, just drop either of us a note and we’ll send you an invite.

It was nice while it lasted, but it’s time to move on.


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Lynn–Where is everyone? Are we still blogging?

Hi all. I’m starting to feel like the lone voice in the wilderness. I hope everyone is OK and that the blog absence is due to general busyness and not ill health.

We’re seeing signs of spring here in Massachusetts. I’ve been walking more as well as doing my yoga/stretching/strengthening exercises at least 2x a week. I need to lose some winter weight.

It would be good to know whether or not we’re continuing the blog and perhaps formally put an end to it if we’re not.



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Lynn–checking in

Hello all. Just checking in and wondering what’s up with everyone. Winter does seem to be hanging on here with a bitter grip. I got away for a long weekend in Florida this past weekend, which was wonderful and hot. Lots of flat walking which was relatively easy on my knees. \\Exercise continues to be spotty. I began walking outside more when the roads got a bit less icy and the afternoons stayed light longer but things have gotten icy again. I’ve been doing stretching & strength work 2 or 3 days a week but need to be more consistent about that. My knees continue to be an issue–I just bought a book through Amazon–Yoga for Arthritis. Looks interesting. Claude, how are your knees these days?

So, what are we doing about this blog? Is this just a temporary hiatus or are things coming to a close?




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