Tag Archives: chocolate

Naomi – July 24 -Why I talk about my weight

Noticing that several here are concerned about what’s perceived as my obsession with weight, I thought it would be useful to put it in context. It is an issue that I’ve never had to be concerned with (and I’ll be 75 next month).

But as my retirement has rolled on into its 12th year, my concern has been heightened with my avoidance of certain things. I never looked at myself in the mirror unless getting dressed up for some special outing. And those have disappeared from my life. Hardly ever weighed myself and would think, “As long as it does not go above ___.” What was this about I wondered (as only a former psychotherapists can wonder, I suppose).

There was the issue of not being interested in making an effort to travel, to think about creating another public art project. Partly it’s about aging.

My spouse, playing racquetball twice a week and only a bit overweight, had a quadruple by-pass three years ago. Our eating style changed.

But chocolate-imbibing became regular in the past year or so. Knew I’d become more sedentary than was useful. When Claude reported the need to pay more attetion to her own physical activity, I saw a window for change, a way for mutual support. So Elderexercise was begun.

This morning as I thought what I’d write here, I folowed my morning coffee my daily read of Ronni Bennett’s blog. Talk about synchronicity.  Read the  July 24 post at http://www.timegoesby.net/.

So, please, celebrate my paying regular attention to my body.   Weighing myself once a week is not be an obsession in the DSM III (would insert link but button not working). I no longer eat chocolate after every lunch; spouse and i plan outings in this foodcentric city to eat at home more often, and I just turned down a bag of popcorn when my friend and I went to see “Mama, Mia!”


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Naomi – June 26, checking in

June 15 left NYC for Portland, Oregon, to visit family.  Dutiful about pedometer use…less so on the food end.  Way more red meat than at home.

Too much time in auto but wonderful time with grandkids.  Trade-offs.  Chocolate not too bad but miss having more control of food intake.  More next week when I return.


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Naomi – June 13 Goals reviewed

What was on my mind back on March One at the start to think I could lose 10 pounds by June One?  Dreams!

Weight loss – maybe one pound.  Need a new, better, smaller scale that goes in bathroom, not under the bed.  More realistic goal: One more pound by 75th birthday, early August.

Treadmill – where has that three times a week gone?  Have not done at all since end of May.  Can I focus on two things at once–pedometer + treadmill, is this for me like patting one’s head and rubbing stomach at same time?  Question still out there and will re-focus.

Food intake – Cannot recall last red meat.  Of course I think about it!  But this is most successful area.  Noshing on nuts and dates still an issue and chocolate continues as presence in everyday life.  Though there was one time….


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naomi – march 27

took subway first time since fall, scared about holding my own in crowds.  55 steps to my station’s outdoor platform…good to get some exercise.  and needed stimulation of being out/about, good meeting new older women network local NOW (Natl. Org. for Women).

waking too early for several days: lighter in mornings.

with left hand in cast, right wrist bothering from overuse–computer.

sadly, chocolate moved back into life.

spouse has knee problem same time…feel “time’s winged chariot,” wonder about changing lifestyle.  he has out-patient surgery april 2.

think it’s time for trainer, serious work on balance.  my blog more upbeat, shorter!


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