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Naomi – Oct 8-12 + New Indoor Exercise

October 8 – Met with Exercise physiologist, Rich Weil, at my apartment.  Amazing experience as he found the exact spot in my shoulder that seems to hold all my accumulated tension.  Led me through a series of exercises focused on more strength in arms/shoulders, abdominal strength, better balance.

Now have a program to follow; awaiting stretch bands in the mail in order to do the entire set  The challenge: a new discipline– for one undisciplined in at-home exercise.  Perfect timing for colder weather ahead.  I value the model of several here and may ask questions about how you maintain your own practice–time of day, frequency.

Oct. 9 – 10,625 steps, 1,036 aerobic.

Oct. 11 – 5,580 steps, 991 aerobic (took new route in walk within apartment complex)

Oct. 12 – 9,308 steps (Zoo with granddaughter).

Oct. 13 – The day begins with Elderexercise added to blog roll at http://www.timegoesby.net in all caps…groupsemail from Holly on an energetic campaigning for Obama in Pennsylvania [imagine the steps], and Paul Krugman gets Nobel in Economics. Onward and upward for us all!


Filed under general

Sara – somewhat less silly…

or maybe I am just getting used to it!  The middle of the week is always when I just have no time or energy for the aerobic thing!  I’m finding this Omron record very interesting for what it reveals about the burning of calories and the relation of that to whether I am walking fast or slower.  Or contradancing…

Monday Sept. 15 – 9423 steps, 6477 aerobic (50 min.), 237 calories, 3.27 miles.

Tuesday Sept. 16 – 9608 steps, 4982 aerobic (40 min.), 227 calories, 3.33 miles.   This may have been the day I tested the pedometer, and it failed to pick up another 1 or 2000 aerobic steps that I did on the second leg of this walk. 

Wed. Sept. 17 – 4501 steps, 107 calories, 1.56 miles.  I collapsed in preparation for evening rehearsal.

Thurs. Sept. 18 – 2437 steps, 50 calories, .84 miles.  I collapsed even further…

Fri. Sept. 19 – 11,119 steps, no aerobic recorded, which is interesting since a lot of these steps were quite energetic since I was contradancing for three hours or so!  291 calories, 3.86 miles.

Sat. Sept. 20 – 12,343 steps, 6523 aerobic (52 minutes, I walked to Wegman’s and back), 285 calories, 4.28 miles.  Oh my poor feet were out of shape, and I’ve spent the evening on the sofa!  But it felt good.  And weight has been pretty stable which is a good sign.

I’m hoping to get in some aerobic tomorrow, even though I work in the AM and then another recruiting session at night.  Weather has been very nice, cool but sunny, just perfect for walking!   Best wishes to everyone!


Filed under general, Walking

Naomi – June 2 – 5

Pedometer finally purchased June 2.  Began at 1 p.m.–2,895 steps till took it off at 11 p.m.  Wow…I’d walked 1.36 miles and burned off 81.85 calories. 

Using it is another motivator in addition to Elderexercise.   I now shower and dress earlier because I want to put it on!  (Just did that before continuing here.)

Also, I see the great disparity between being home all day and getting out.  On June 5, I recorded 6,140 steps, my high point over 4 days.  The day before it was 644–clear indicator that it’s imperative to leave even if only to walk around the block.

Writing this on June 6, as about to leave for two consecutive car trips–first to dentist in New Jersey, then on to Baltimore.  Much sitting…taking my little record book to keep track and record how I make up for all that inactivity.

Continue to have issue with inertia after highly active days.


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Filed under Pedometer, Walking