Holly – review, goals

Greetings all and thank you for your welcoming messages! Sorry for not posting sooner, the last few weeks have been very busy and also I couldn’t figure out how to work the pedometer I bought. Thank God for youtube, finally I just went on there and found a video of someone explaining how to set it. What a great world we live in! Now I know how to work it and I have logged my steps for the last several days. The totals could be a lot better but I am now fully in the swing of this and intend to bring the total steps way up per day.

Monday Oct 6 – 1413 steps
Thursday Oct 2 – 2601 steps
Wednesday Oct 1 – 4693 steps
Tuesday Sept 30 – 6640 steps

I am getting back to my normal routine which includes yoga once or twice a week (I have a wonderful class very close to me on the upper west side). I want to find an aquatics exercise class and start that as well. I am feeling very empowered and motivated!



Filed under general

5 responses to “Holly – review, goals

  1. sablonneuse

    Well done you! Your step count certainly beats mine. Keep up the good work.

  2. Holly, keep the motivation and the walking.
    Great for the yoga.
    Don’t forget to visit other members at ElderExercise and comment!

  3. Thanks! I also wanted to add that I feel most clear and centered when I get up early in the morning, meditate, and eat right. I’ve been slipping on the eating right part for several months and am getting very annoyed with the way this makes me feel.

    I spent the first six months of the year cutting out all gluten, dairy, sugar, and processed foods and felt amazing. I was motivated to do this after participating in January in a week long workshop with Dr. Mark Hyman at Kripalu Yoga Center in Lenox, Mass. Dr. Hyman wrote “Ultrametabolism,” a book I highly recommend to all of you.

    It’s very difficult at first (though not at Kripalu) to eat this way…but I felt so good it was very easy to sustain (and not that hard when you live in NYC). And the first time I cut out gluten for a day, I woke up the next morning to absolutely no arthritis. It was incredible.

    All of which is to say, I have to get back to eating this way.

  4. naomidagenbloom

    Way to go, Holly. Those steps are moving up.

    So much stuff here–fascinated to learn that your cutting out gluten reduces arthritis.

  5. Sara

    Very interesting about the gluten and arthritis. My mom always struggled with arthritis but I am blessed to have avoided it so far.
    Keep plugging away, you have a great start!

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