Daily Archives: October 1, 2008

Sara – inconsistent, rather tired but hopeful

Whoof.  Work has been pretty continuous of late…no real complete days off, always something needing done.  Weather changing too, more rain…

There is a certain one day up, one day down pattern to my steps.  But at least I am not giving up and settling into inactivity!

Sun. Sept. 21 – 5712 steps, 150 calories, 1.98 miles

Mon. Sept. 22 – 10,197 steps, 4572 aerobic, 36 minutes.  267 calories, 3.54 miles

Tues. Sept. 23 – 3836 steps, 76 calories, 1.33 miles.  I imagine this is the kind of day that Claude doesn’t even bother to write down!  🙂

Wed. Sept. 24 – 7555 steps, 3305 aerobic.  177 calories, 2.62 miles

Thurs. Sept. 25 – 2110 steps, .73 miles — well, that other day looked pretty good after all!

Fri. Sept. 26 – 4398 steps, 111 calories, 1.52 miles

Sat. Sept. 27 – 10,566 steps, 7184 aerobic, 55 minutes.  274 calories, 3.66 miles

Sun. Sept. 28 – 6408 steps, 173 calories, 2.22 miles

Mon. Sept. 29 – 7642 steps, 5149 aerobic.  178 calories, 2.65 miles

Tues. Sept. 30 – 3686 steps, 98 calories, 1.27 miles

And happy Rosh Hashanah to all!  I am happy that weight has held steady despite this back and forth thing, but I enjoyed closing out the old year with a HUGE meal at my neighbor Mickey’s — gefillte fish, the whole nine yards!  Plus carrot cake.  🙂 

On the up side, a lot of my work overload has been getting our annual novena planned and it will begin tomorrow, so ready or not, here we go.  Plus getting a new mass setting learned, and THAT begins this Sunday.  Plus getting my new kids’ choirs recruited and working, and THAT is happening nicely.  So once all this stuff gets rolling my life should even out a bit…I think…I hope…

Good wishes to all.  I have been very bad about reading blogs, just keeping my head above water here…


Filed under food intake, general, Walking